Elektrisola is the world’s largest manufacturer of fine copper magnet wires for the electronics and automotive industry,headquartered in Germany. As a rapidly expanding company with production facilities in six countries, we are supplying to many Fortune 500 companies.Rapid expansion plans for our newly established wholly foreign owned enterprise in China allow for career advancement opportunities that are supported by continuous training programs to increase employee skills and knowledge. This new production facility is expected to grow fast in the near future. Qualified candidates that join our family now at startup, will have excellent chances of future promotion. 益利素勒公司是一家总部设在德国,以电子和汽车制造业为服务对象的全球最大的超细漆包线制造商,公司业务发展迅速,现已在6个国家设有生产基地。《财富》500强企业中有许多是本公司的客户。 本公司最近在华独资创建生产基地,该生产基地的迅速拓展计划将为员工提供良好的职业发展机遇,公司不断提供培训机会以提高员工的技能和知识水平。 因业务发展需要,现诚聘具有自发性和积极性人才加盟益利素勒集团.